Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I believe I can fly...

I have an alter-ego. Her name is Namaste. When I indulge my alter-ego, I become her. I can fly. I can shapeshift into a number of beautiful beasts, to suit my needs. I am a druid. I am a tall beautiful, sexy woman, and a healer who can resurrect the fallen. I can call on the very forces of nature and channel the wrath of the elements at my enemies. I am a daring bird who can soar to the highest of the bitter reaches, an invisible, deadly cat stealthing through dangerous areas looking to avenge the helpless dead; a cheetah, sprinting away at reckless speeds, and a seal, diving down to impossible depths in order to find treasure. I am a Bear for others. I am the brave wall of fur and muscle and soon-to-be-splattered flesh that separates my comrades from the messy and very quick death that awaits them in the form of something big and angry. I lead groups of others through dungeons, castles, forests and all manner of strikingly beautiful extra dimensional worlds simply to get to the other side. I am a fierce warrior battling evil; a formidable enemy. I am also a friend. I go out of my way to help others. I have a lot to offer, and I give it freely to others. I am liked and respected. And hated. I help, and I am helped by a number of strangers from every corner of the real world, all indulging their alter-egos. There is something very fulfilling in this. The World of Warcraft is like a dream world I live in sometimes, and it contains a separate self I've created; another life I live. It sucks away my time from the real world. Or is it now a real part of my world?


Illuminus said...

Hey aunt Jo nice blog it looks nice, and I'm looking forward to go to your house on Friday see ya then.

Tori said...

That was written better then most novels I read. You are more then talented, you are gifted. You are gifted in so many ways Joey. Your alter ego is not that altered from the you I have always known you to be.

Keep up the blog. I think it will be a wonderful source of expression to help you build a better life for yourself and the loved ones in your life.

Tori said...

You are more THAN talented not, then talented. Even spell check can't fix those types of mistakes. Silly me. Must be the Tylenol PM taking affect.