Friday, February 15, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Here's the latest picture of Mom and Dad's backyard. So pretty! To me the snow is a distant memory again, so it looks so nice, but to them it is a nuisence. What do people do if they can't shovel it out, and there's no one to help them? I am so thankful that there are people that help my parents with the snow.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Need a good cry? I dont think anyone could listen to this to the end and not cry, but it's ok. It has a powerful lesson. I listen to Storycorps every Friday on the way in to work on NPR. I am usually crying in my van by the time the person is done speaking, even if it's a happy story. I am a big huge softie. Even my kids Disney videos or a piece of brass band music can reduce me to tears, and I'm not sure why I ended up that way, 'cause I always acted so tough when I was younger. But this project, Storycorps is so powerful, I dare any of you to listen to what this man has to say, and not cry. I double dare you.

Friday, February 1, 2008

This is the view out the kitchen window and my bedroom window at my parents house. It's facing the surise over the ocean, and it's beautiful no matter what the season, the time, or the weather. It's always changing. I have hundreds of photos of this view. I can look at it, and it brings back as many memories. My mom sends them to me , and I make each new one my desktop wallpaper. I never get tired of looking at it, and I always smile when a new one arrives. I love you, mom.