Friday, May 30, 2008

The Torment of the Worgen

"I did this. I don't remember doing it, but it cannot be otherwise. I have committed sins in my life before. I even killed a man once who didn't deserve it.
But this is different. I am changed. These murders were not my choice. A beast lives inside of me. I will be hunted and shunned. I need to hide. Run. Bury the bodies.
I start to walk outside when I realize what truly bothers me.
I feel no guilt." - a page that my rogue is left with after breaking the seal on a magical book found in Karazan, in the World of Warcraft, and being transformed into a Worgen.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Here is my latest self-portrait, inspired by my rogue character on World of Warcraft. clickit

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

The bomb squad

This picture speaks for itself, hehe...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Here's the latest picture of Mom and Dad's backyard. So pretty! To me the snow is a distant memory again, so it looks so nice, but to them it is a nuisence. What do people do if they can't shovel it out, and there's no one to help them? I am so thankful that there are people that help my parents with the snow.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Need a good cry? I dont think anyone could listen to this to the end and not cry, but it's ok. It has a powerful lesson. I listen to Storycorps every Friday on the way in to work on NPR. I am usually crying in my van by the time the person is done speaking, even if it's a happy story. I am a big huge softie. Even my kids Disney videos or a piece of brass band music can reduce me to tears, and I'm not sure why I ended up that way, 'cause I always acted so tough when I was younger. But this project, Storycorps is so powerful, I dare any of you to listen to what this man has to say, and not cry. I double dare you.

Friday, February 1, 2008

This is the view out the kitchen window and my bedroom window at my parents house. It's facing the surise over the ocean, and it's beautiful no matter what the season, the time, or the weather. It's always changing. I have hundreds of photos of this view. I can look at it, and it brings back as many memories. My mom sends them to me , and I make each new one my desktop wallpaper. I never get tired of looking at it, and I always smile when a new one arrives. I love you, mom.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

by Anonymous

I saw a man pursuing the horizon,
Round and round they sped,
Disturbed at this, I accosted the man,
"It's futile,' I said,
"You can never..."
"YOU LIE!" he cried,
and ran on...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I believe I can fly...

I have an alter-ego. Her name is Namaste. When I indulge my alter-ego, I become her. I can fly. I can shapeshift into a number of beautiful beasts, to suit my needs. I am a druid. I am a tall beautiful, sexy woman, and a healer who can resurrect the fallen. I can call on the very forces of nature and channel the wrath of the elements at my enemies. I am a daring bird who can soar to the highest of the bitter reaches, an invisible, deadly cat stealthing through dangerous areas looking to avenge the helpless dead; a cheetah, sprinting away at reckless speeds, and a seal, diving down to impossible depths in order to find treasure. I am a Bear for others. I am the brave wall of fur and muscle and soon-to-be-splattered flesh that separates my comrades from the messy and very quick death that awaits them in the form of something big and angry. I lead groups of others through dungeons, castles, forests and all manner of strikingly beautiful extra dimensional worlds simply to get to the other side. I am a fierce warrior battling evil; a formidable enemy. I am also a friend. I go out of my way to help others. I have a lot to offer, and I give it freely to others. I am liked and respected. And hated. I help, and I am helped by a number of strangers from every corner of the real world, all indulging their alter-egos. There is something very fulfilling in this. The World of Warcraft is like a dream world I live in sometimes, and it contains a separate self I've created; another life I live. It sucks away my time from the real world. Or is it now a real part of my world?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This is one of my favorite little places on the earth. Soon those little flowers will poke up through the snow with the promise of spring.